Chinese philosophy
Master Kong, Guanzi
Do you agree with this geologist-astronomer's insight into / definition of morality?
As a physician, you will be expected to use both Kant's and another scientist's system of ethics.
Which one do you prefer?
Like them, will you base your system of ethics from the science you've learned?
Will you apply it to your patients? How?
Great social reformers have their own take on what is morally obligatory.
For example, Yeshua said that God's second greatest commandment is to love your enemy as yourself (Luke chapter 10).
What/whose method or logic takes precedence?
What obligation do you owe your patients?
Kant's arguments pertain (even unknowingly) to any debate or discussion about whether a physician must necessarily or must not necessarily do anything in some way.
Just search for "deontology" or "duty" and your area of interest.
When there is no law/binding policy, how do you decide what is your duty?
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