Yeshua Nazrot
How can you know something is real?
How can you know something is true?
Can ideas be more influential than things you can see?
What truth do you have to offer people who are suffering from physical, mental, or spiritual illness?
how Socrates (a 'doctor' of the soul) might speak with a 20th century patient
suggested reading... Plato
an opinion about Plato's view of medicine
Joseph Whelan wrote something that Socrates and Plato likely would have agreed with regarding 'what to fall in love with.' Whereas these three men's idea of God/Wisdom/Truth/Goodness would differ in some respects (as yours may differ), in many respects their ideas would be the same. The general exhortation remains the same regardless of the final definition. Right now, your love should include growth as a physician, but this should not be your ultimate love.
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