
I am not Patch Adams or Don Quixote.

If I were, then you would have heard about me by now.

Their eccentricities have made them legends. 

But being different often comes at a cost.

Sometimes a better outcome can be achieved by blending in.

Fighting a windmill is often not a valuable use of effort...

... and people will inevitably disagree about what is most important in any given situation...

That is why what healthcare leaders do to balance achieving quality and capital is so important.

Patch Adams, MD speaking at the university where I teach: inspiring people's minds... but no longer healing people's bodies.


A healthcare organization's mission, values, and vision live or die based on whether and how the leader(s) lead.


Whether a healthcare professional can practice their craft depends on financial resources collected by administrators.


For both sides to accomplish the vision (the intended result) working together, healthcare administrators and frontline healthcare professionals must:



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What windmill is worth fighting in your life or in your healthcare organization?

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