ethics of virtue + empiricism
Aristotle of Athens
Do you know the historical Yeshua Nazrot? How can you differentiate the historical Jesus from the Americanized version or even from the stories written decades after his death?
What kind of healing will you provide? How is this different from the kind of healing that Yeshua provided or may still provide? Will you die unto yourself so that you may feed the souls of your patients?
mind / body / spirit ... what early Christian authors said about Jesus as a physician
1st of 4 versions of Yeshua's life and teachings... intended for a Greek speaking Gentile audience further west
2nd of 4 versions of Yeshua's life and teachings... intended for a Greek speaking Gentile audience further east
3rd of 4 versions of Yeshua's life and teachings... intended for a Greek speaking Jewish audience
4th of 4 versions of Yeshua's life and teachings... intended for a Greek speaking Gentile and Jewish audience
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